Nintendo 64




Nintendo 64



Sega Genesis


Nintendo 64



Perfect Dark-Fun Stuff

Missle Sniper

This is a multplayer game. Choose custom weapons, and select three slayers and three sniper rifles. The goal of one player is simply to destry the other with slayer fly-by-wire missles. The second player must attempt to survive for a predetermined time limit by running and taking out incoming missiles with the sniper rifle. Four player variations include: Two snipers and two players weilding slayers, where either one or both snipers must survive, Three slayer weilders trying to destry a single sniper marksman, three snipers verses a single slayer, where all must survive, and a president game, where an assassin with a slayer must take down an unarmed presedent, with two snipers trying to stop him.

Games nite blasting

As you may guess from the title, this one is "perfect" for a games nite when it is "dark".Good pun, eh? What? Puns suck you say? Oh well, I agree with you there, and apologise sincerely for it. Anyway, the best time for this game is around five or six hours in, when you are suitably tired and "caffined up". Set up the game as usual in multiplayer, select your favourte level guns etc. Then, in the background, put on some loud music, preferably some moderately heavy rock with a strong beat. (Rage Against the Machine for example) Then turn the sound on the TV down and just play normally. It ends up really fun, as you end up co-ordinating your attacks with the beat!

Terminator 2:Judgement Dark

This game is for four players. Set the weapons to: two Falcon 2's, two shotguns, and two Dragons. Also put the "Perfect Darkness" cheat on. Player one plays John Connor. He must pick a suitable player model, and wait in the room he starts in until met by Arnie. He may not use any weapons, or the night vision goggles. He has normal health, and if killed once, his team loses. Player 2 is Sarah Connor. She may not use the night vision goggles, or any weapons other than the Falcon 2. She must wait in the room she begins in, until met by John and Arnie. She has normal Health, a suitable player model, and if she dies may not restart. Player 3 is Arnie. He has around 500% Health, may use all weapons, and has a suitable player model. He must always use the night vision goggles (simulating an Android's view). He must make his way directly to John Connor and protect him at all costs. He must follow the orders of the player playing John at all times, and once collecting John must head directly to find Sarah Connor before attempting to destroy the Terminator. Player 4 is the Terminator. He may use any Weapon, always uses night vision, and has 1000% Health. If he kills John once he wins, and if he dies once he loses. Before the game, all players must look away when he chooses his player model, and he may choose any model.