Nintendo 64




Nintendo 64



Sega Genesis


Nintendo 64



Game Refresher

If he's new age, how can he be retro as well? Isn't that a contridiction of terms?

Go the New-Age Retro Hippy!

Welcome to Game Refresher! You know when you've just finished that game you paid fifty bucks for last week? This site is dedicated to extending the life of games you've finished. It is divided into three sections:

Fun stuff-All sorts of fun things to try that were never intended by the developers. Interesting Glitches, and variations on multiplayer games go here.

Crazy Stuff-Things to try that have no real point, and are completely stupid. The difference between these and games in fun stuff, are that these encourage the player to laugh maniacally throughout.

Challenges-These are more likely to be based around skills normally used in the game, and have specific Gold, Silver and Bronze scores to hit.

While there are only some systems with a few games each currently available, don't let this indicate how the site is going to stay. I intend for the majority of games on this site to be submissions from people-any game, any system. I will be regularly updating this site with games of my own devising too. So bookmark this site, take a look around, use my examples as guidelines, think up some games of your own and mail them to me!

The editor's Rant

Tuesday, 11 December, 8:14 AM: Bah! I was of course going to update that weekend, but then the teachers introduced a "no slacking off because it's the end of term" policy, which involved more work than the rest of the year put together. This of course included a topic on web page design. However, the teacher for this (I won't say anything bad about him because I gave him the address of this site.) refused to let me update this site, instead offering only to make a new site or do a complete overhaul of an old site. So I spent all my updating time working on this new site (nothing more than a timewaster, but you can find it here)Then comes the holidays (finally). I was planning to update the first day, but then got slightly (completely) addicted to Materia Magica.

So where was I? Ah yes, website, game refresher, update, thing. Seeing as I am incredibly lazy (and could be playing Materia Magica now) Ia dded some games for Tetris Attack, which took me all of a minute to think of. There's also a game for the sims from Chris Gough.

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